How Double Glazed Windows and Doors Can Benefit Your Home in Summer

benefits of double glazed windows and doors

Double glazed windows and doors have many benefits for any building, specifically in domestic homes. They are very practical, whilst still fitting into any aesthetic. Throughout the year, double-glazed windows continue to control certain temperatures.
However, though double glazing is usually known for keeping the cold out during the winter months (and other months, since we do live in England), this is not its only function. Double glazed windows and doors also have been used through the summer, just on the opposite side of the scale.

Controlling the Temperature

Double glazing should be considered for managing different temperatures throughout the year. Once it starts getting warmer, and the sun starts to shine brightly on the glass, the wrong window materials can make you feel like you’re living in a greenhouse. Double glazing windows help to limit the amount of heat energy coming inside your home. It can help with maintaining a cooler temperature within your home.

Stops UV Damage

Whether you are out in the garden getting tanned (or turning into a lobster), or rather hiding away in the shade, summer can be damaging to interior rooms. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can be harmful; the reason we apply sunscreen to our skin. And our home also needs this protection.
Double glazed windows and doors protect furnishings that could be affected by the UV rays. Photos that are placed near windows may become faded and certain wood materials can dry out without this protection. Double glazing benefits your interior and eliminates the need to replace any damaged materials.

Tightens Up Security

Summer is a great time for you to relax; take that well-deserved time off work and go on holiday. This means, there might be long periods of time that your house is not occupied. However, this could lead to anxiety over the safety of your property and valuable items.
Double glazed windows and doors are made of toughened glass that is very hard to break. Any would-be burglars would struggle to break any double glazing products, even with a weapon. At Prentice, we offer a range of security glazing. Check out this video to show you just how strong glass can be. Also, double-glazed windows can be locked from inside, adding an extra level of security.

Saves Energy Costs

Household bills can easily total up throughout the year, so it is important to find any savings. Energy bills continue to rise, as 2022’s prices increase by 54%. Around 18% of heat can be lost through windows that are not double glazed. Through winter, this can lead homeowners to turn on their heating system and add to their monthly bills. Whilst that isn’t a problem during summer, single-glazed windows also can let in the heat and force people to turn on fans or air conditioners.
However, double-glazed windows and doors can combat this need. They will stop as much heat from transferring inside the home and keep the interiors cool. This will decrease the need for cooling systems and lower a homeowner’s monthly energy bills.

Prentice Glass

Prentice Glass offer a wide range of double glazing services for domestic and commercial buildings. We are a family-run business that focuses on delivering high-quality customer service on all our projects. We understand the many benefits that come with the installation of double-glazed windows and doors. Not just in Summer, but throughout the year. Work with a professional double glazing company like Prentice; ensuring installation is correct and that you have the right materials.

For more information, or to receive a quote, fill in our online form. Simply state your enquiry and a member of our team will be in touch to see how we can help you! Or, follow us on Instagram. We post our incredible before and afters on some of our biggest projects including double-glazed windows and doors. Find out what we’re up to as our business continues to grow.

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