How to Choose the Best Double Glazed Windows

double glazed windows

When replacing your window type with double glazing, as new building regulations require, it is important to consider a number of factors. Double-glazed windows are a great way to save energy costs and improve not only a home’s performance, but its aesthetic too. But, you need to make sure you are making an informed selection. Check out this list of tips for your next double glazing installation.

Check the Energy Rating (WER)

The energy rating system for windows ranges from G (lowest) to A+ (highest) (the most efficient). These are easily indicated with a colourful system, ranging from red (G) to green (A). To comply with current Building Regulations, any new or replacement windows must have at least a C grade. In the UK, the lowest rating that can be accepted to meet building regulations is C. When looking for double-glazed windows and doors, ensure that they are energy efficient.
At Prentice, we ensure that all our standard double-glazed windows are A energy rated. Make the most out of your window type by increasing its energy efficiency and maintaining high levels of insulation.

Find a Double Glazing Company with Necessary Accreditations

When looking for a double glazing company, it is important to check that they are third-party accredited; ensuring that the business is reputable, reliable and professional.
Here at Prentice, we aim to achieve the highest standards in the double glazing industry. And, this is shown with the organisations we are affiliated with and third-party accreditations. These include The Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF), FENSA and The Glazing Arbitration Scheme. All of which, we adhere to all building regulations and deliver premium customer service with quality assurance.

From this, the installation of double-glazed windows can easily be undertaken, with confidence and ease.

Think About the Style

The colour of your new double-glazed windows will be determined by a number of things. In the end, personal preference will play a significant role in your decision. But, a professional double glazing company can help advise and give their expert opinions in the final matter. Collaborate closely with them and feel confident in your decision.

For glazed windows, think about the overall impression you want to achieve in your home. Are you wanting a fun and lively aesthetic? Or do you prefer a minimalistic approach? All this can be reflected in your window type (no pun intended.) Also, the ideal colour for your property and whether it will blend in with the surrounding properties can factor in.
Popular colours include:

  • Golden Oak
  • Cream
  • Rosewood
  • Mahogany

But, don’t feel limited to these. Window manufacturers that are as flexible as Prentice, as also other bespoke designs in any colours. All you need to do is ask.

Prentice Glass

Prentice Glass offer a wide range of double glazing services for domestic and commercial buildings. We are a family-run business that focuses on delivering high-quality customer service on all our projects. We understand the many benefits that come with the installation of double-glazed windows and doors. Work with a professional double glazing company like Prentice; ensuring installation is correct and that you have the right materials.

We also put our customers first. And that is why we offer a ten-year guarantee on our double-glazed windows. Please enquire below for more information.

To receive a quote, fill in our online form. Simply state your enquiry and a member of our team will be in touch to see how we can help you! Or, follow us on Instagram. We post our incredible before and afters on some of our biggest projects including double-glazed windows and doors. Find out what we’re up to as our business continues to grow.

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