What is a Regulation 14 Survey?

Here at Prentice, we ensure that all our projects, including double glazing installation, meet all health and safety requirements. For both our employees and customers, we work to the highest standards in the industry to make sure that all fittings are completed efficiently and without risk.
That’s why the Regulation 14 Survey is there. But, what exactly does this cover? Find out here from our glass London company.
What is a Regulation 14 Survey?
Since 1975, the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 (HSWA) has required that all employers and certain other individuals with control over workplaces ensure that health and safety are taken into consideration. This includes anyone who might be impacted by their work activities where there are improper glass products in the environment. Therefore, if double glazing installation is a risk, appropriate action must be done to address it.
The Regulation 14 Survey includes ensuring every window or other transparent surface is checked on two accounts for health and safety reasons. Firstly, that the glazing is a safe material that can protect against breakage. Secondly, that is is appropriately marked to make these regulations apparent under inspection.
Why Regulation 14 is Important
The Health and Safety at Work Act has constantly looked out for employees to ensure working environments are safe. The Regulation 14 Survey came into effect after a new directive in 1993. But, why is this important for commercial glazing such as double glazing installation?
It is important within all commercial glazing that there is consideration about how it will impact those around. The survey actively helps to reduce the risk of injury and improves the overall safety of the building. This can also help with any anti-social behaviour, such as vandalism, potential damage to the double glazing installation and consequently, theft of high-value items.
Improving the security of the glazing helps with reducing the material from shattering unexpectedly. Accidents may happen in a working environment and impacts tend to happen. But, improved glass material will help keep the structure and cause no accidents from glass shards.
What Does Prentice Glass Do?
Working alongside the Regulation 14 Survey regulations, our team of glass London specialists use a digital scanner on all our glass products to ensure that everything is legal. Our team of glaziers will provide your business with a full report to showcase which areas are completely safe and which areas may be at risk. All while ensuring regulations are met and correctly installed within the commercial property.
During this process, we ensure that all risks with double glazing installation are inspected and checked before completion. This includes, with every pane, assessing its location and the activities happening around the glazing. If there is a high-energy activity that happens in the surrounding area, there may be more of a risk of impact.
Also, we measure the volume of traffic and if the building has a history of incidents that have caused injuries from the glazing.
Double Glazing Installation
Prentice Glass are one of the oldest glass London companies, with over 70 years of experience in the industry. No matter the specifications, our team of glaziers are able to take on both residential and commercial projects, including double glazing installation.
For more information, or to receive a quote, fill in our online form. Make sure to follow us on Facebook to find out the latest news and our biggest glass installations to date!