Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Trickle Ventilation

trickle ventilation windows
Windows have gradually advanced over the past few decades, improving home life through its design and features. Double glazing or even triple glazing; there are many different styles to choose from, depending on your specific needs. However, it is trickle ventilation that helps ensure good air quality enters the home.
New-style windows are typically airtight, which is a great way to stay warm in winter and preserve energy. However, it has been proven that an entirely air-tight interior negatively impacts the home, the indoor air quality and its environment. And this is where trickle ventilation comes in.

Here at Prentice Glass, we are a family-run business and one of the oldest glazing companies in London. We can handle all your window needs; from fire-resistant glazing, to specialist and domestic glazing projects.

What are the Different Types of Ventilation?

There are three main types of ventilation:

Purge ventilation, also known as ‘rapid ventilation’, aids the removal of pollutants, such as cooking smells or paint fumes. This usually means opening a window, which will quickly circulate air internally. However, this has disadvantages, including security risks and an increase in noise.

Extraction is mainly found in rooms that are regularly exposed to pollutants or condensation. Primarily, in kitchens and bathrooms, extraction limits the spread of fumes throughout the building. A successful solution for large amounts of cooking, or extremely hot showers.

For the main event. Background ventilation; what we’re here to talk about today. As we will get into more detail later, this is a small opening that allows air to circulate slowly. It is a less rapid approach than the purge method, however, it is useful through the winter months when you want fresh air but not the cold temperature.

What is Trickle Ventilation?

Trickle ventilation is a small opening in a window, allowing fresh air to pass from outside into the home. Window ventilators should be implemented for acceptable indoor air quality, without the need to fully open a window. They are necessary to reduce polluted indoor air and provide a healthy internal environment. This has many benefits:

  • Lets fresh air into your home
  • Helps to keep your home secure
  • Reduction in mould
  • Reduces the level of noise in busy locations
  • Removes unwanted smells

Trickle vents can positively impact your health in the comfort of your own home. For those who suffer from breathing problems such as asthma, it can alleviate this by bringing in the fresh air and ventilating any negative pollutants, like carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide. It will also improve the overall smell and aura, especially if cooking.

With trickle ventilation, you don’t need to open windows to get any fresh air. It automatically flows in through the specific system. This means, if you live in a busy residential area such as a city centre, you can reduce the noise that might occur when opening a window. You can still get fresh air by having trickle vents windows.

Is Trickle Ventilation Required in Buildings?

In short, maybe. It all depends on your specific situation. Under building regulations, when new-style windows are installed, they need to have trickle vents. But for older homes, it isn’t mandatory.

Though they aren’t a requirement in most homes, they still should be considered for your safety. Homeowners can have proper ventilation throughout their living areas, positively impacting their health without them even knowing. Condensation and mould, be gone! For more information on trickle ventilation, read our download.

Prentice Glass are available 24hrs with their emergency line, going the extra mile for their valued clientele. Based around London and Surrey, we are family-driven and family-run, working closely with all our customers. We are always looking for new and exciting transformations and to be involved to assist with your glazing and glass requirements.

Why not read our previous blog? For more information on our services, fill out our online form and one of our specialists will be in touch. Or, give us a call on 020 8944 9001 between working hours and 020 8944 9551 in case of emergencies. We also have an Instagram account, where we make sure to post our latest news and glass London projects. All direct to your feed!